How I can modefy the mesh of my model?

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hi; I built a model in FEKO , and I want to simulated my model @10GHz ; However there an error message 'Not enough memory available on the hard disk for an out-of-core file'. Please can any one help me to solve this problem Regards



  • Mel
    Mel Altair Community Member
    edited July 2018

    Hi Zobidi


    Please attach your model. If you can't attach the model, then maybe just an image or description will already help somewhat.

  • JIF
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2018

    He Zobidi,


    I see that you are double posting. Don't do that. I'm repeating my comment from the duplicate post and will delete it.


    The message is stating that you don't have enough hard drive space to store the matrix and that message is only given after it determined that you don't have enough memory (RAM) and now it is trying to use the hard disk. Without the model, it is quite difficult to state what you should do, but the first thing you should do is to activate MLFMM instead of the default MoM solution. MLFMM uses much less memory compared to MoM for structures that are multiple wavelengths in size.


  • Torben Voigt
    Torben Voigt
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2018

    Hi Zobidi,


    In case your model is not multiple wavelengths in size, i.e. you cant use MLFMM, I assume the geometry contains a lot of details. In this case you might want to try a different solver than MoM, e.g. FEM or FDTD.