Get unique material List,optimize material list
Ajinkya Gaikwad
Altair Community Member
Depends on user profile
With optistruct profile, filter mats by attributes named: E, Nu, Rho
Example we will filter mats have below E NU RHO:
set E 210.0
set NU 0.3
set RHO 7.9e-6
*createmark mats 1 'equal to value' \$E $E
*createmark mats 2 'equal to value' \$Nu $NU
*markintersection mats 1 mats 2
*createmark mats 2 'equal to value' \$Rho $RHO
*markintersection mats 1 mats 2
puts 'material list = [hm_getmark mats 1]'
0 -
Thanks A lot!