Version 2019.4 Enable a preference that produces better meshing

uri Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A


Version 2019.4

From the what is new:

'In version 2019.4 You can now enable a preference that produces better meshing for optimization results wrapped in PolyNURBS from Inspire...'

1. Some explanation for this option?

2. When should I use it?

3. If it is better meshing, why it is not enabled as Default option?



  • Pau_20794
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2020

    This option is useful only for polynurbs. we don't recommend this option for non polynurbs geometries.

    if you mesh a fit polynurb, surface mesh will mesh every single square, this for huge parts can be a problem.

    using polynurb option will avoid this and will help to reduce amount of elements and meshing problems with polynurbs.


    We recommend to activate this option ONLY for polynurbs.

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