Version 2019.4 Enable a preference that produces better meshing
Altair Community Member
Version 2019.4
From the what is new:
'In version 2019.4 You can now enable a preference that produces better meshing for optimization results wrapped in PolyNURBS from Inspire...'
1. Some explanation for this option?
2. When should I use it?
3. If it is better meshing, why it is not enabled as Default option?
This option is useful only for polynurbs. we don't recommend this option for non polynurbs geometries.
if you mesh a fit polynurb, surface mesh will mesh every single square, this for huge parts can be a problem.
using polynurb option will avoid this and will help to reduce amount of elements and meshing problems with polynurbs.
We recommend to activate this option ONLY for polynurbs.