Options for Viewing Results in ProMan and Exporting data, such as Rays Information

Andres Johan Florez Gonzalez
Andres Johan Florez Gonzalez Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Cordial greetings to all.


1. I have simulated several MIMO 'Sities' on a database and when compiling the simulation, I get individual results for each antenna. I would like to know if it is possible to obtain a heat map showing a general result that includes all antennas and not just individual ones.


2. In the same way, I have traced some rays, to analyze the power received in the selected pixel, as well as additional information from different angles of arrival, but I only obtain information from a single ray. I would like to know if at the moment of selecting a pixel, there is a way to know all the rays that reach that point (including the other antennas) and if it is possible to export this information.


Thank you for the help that you may be able to provide.



  • MartinV_20771
    MartinV_20771 New Altair Community Member
    edited September 2020

    Hello Johan,

    The superposition of the individual coverage results is done automatically in a network planning project by RunNet based on the corresponding air interface (wireless standard definition file *.wst). The received power is available in the result tree.


    Without network planning module the coverage of individual Tx antennas/leaky feeder cables can be superposed in ProMan by using the following steps:

    First load one of the results (preferably *.fpp file) in ProMan via File => Open Result and then superpose the next result via Edit => Combine Data => Max Value (can be done for further results in the same way).

    The information about all the rays can be exported as follows.

    Under Project / Edit Project Parameter / Propagation tab, check Additional Output of Results in ASCII file.

    A .str file will be produced with detailed ray information. (.str comes from Strahl, which is German for Ray).

    The Network tab offers a similar option.

    I hope this helps. Best regards,


    Unable to find an attachment - read this blog

  • Andres Johan Florez Gonzalez
    Andres Johan Florez Gonzalez Altair Community Member
    edited September 2020

    Hello Martin. I really appreciate the help provided. The detailed description of the process has been very useful.


    Thanks again.