Solution of the electrically large problem by the RL-GO in FEKO 2019

Dimon Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A



I have found the following info in


'Diffraction effects for edges and wedges of perfect electric conductors (PEC) have been added to Feko’s RL-GO solver improving its accuracy'.


Ok, fine. Let us assume that I am modelling the multi-static RCS of a car,  consisting of PEC body, and dielectric frontshield, interior and tires using RL-GO.  Does it mean that the only metal body will produce the diffracted rays but the dielectric parts won't? Additionally, what kind of the diffraction model is used here? UTD?


Thank you!


BR, Dimon




  • Torben Voigt
    Torben Voigt
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2019

    Hi @Dimon,


    Presently diffraction effects from edges and wedges of RL-GO PEC faces meshed with curvilinear triangles are supported.