Executed or not (depend on the monitor?)

Hi, I find a strange thing when I run the Embed. If I didn't use a '2D plot' or 'display' block to minitor my variable (here 'N'), the model seems not run at all. It told me 'Not executed'. See Fig1&2 and the vissim file. Could you tell me why this happens?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Hi Tom,
The diagram when not connected to a plot has no intention to simulate anything hence you dont see any outputs. Vissim/Embed thinks that whole set of blocks is unconnected to any output so no need to evaluate the portion of this diagram. This is done so that if you take the current diagram and generate code you ideally want to see dead code being generated.
As a workaround you could also insert a extern variable and connect it to the variable you would like to monitor so that you could still execute without having to connect a plot block !
Hope this helps
Hope this helps,