TCL: Export Master Include in LSDYNA Profile of Hypermesh

Ashish_MEXPERT Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hello All,


I am working currently in LSDYNA profile of Hypermesh and i am developing the script to export the Lsdyna keyword files seperately with their idividual Assemblies. 


I want to create a Master Include File which should contains all of the Exporting Include files only names not their data. Is it possible to do with any command or method in TCL Script ??


Command: *feoutputwithdata 'C:/Altair/2017/templates/feoutput/optistruct/optistruct' 'D:/Crash_Skripts/test_model.k' 0 0 2 1 2 


The Command above is basically exporting the include file, so now how can i include this file into another Master include but should be defined as parent include and it should not contain any Entity data of that particular Include file.


Please let me know if anybody can help me out in this ??


Thanks !!







  • tinh
    tinh Altair Community Member
    edited July 2018


    Before scripting, could you describe how you did that by interaction with GUI?

  • Imoto
    Altair Employee
    edited November 2020



    I think you don't have to export each assemblies.
    You can create the include files in HyperMesh like attached example.
    After the creation of includes, you just export the deck file.



    Unable to find an attachment - read this blog