Begin Card and Material Density Error

iyelek Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hi everyone,


In HyperWorks 2019.1.1 version (HyperForm Radioss Incremental interface) i have faced some errors as you can see them below in images and descriptions.


I use automated process tools.



After preparation of the model, materials have 7.8e-8 density value which must be 7.8e-9 in MPa unit system.

Is this change normal in automated process to increase timestep of model?


In addition to this issue, after automated model preparation Begin Card has correct value of mass which is Mg.(tonne) When i export manually .rad file, Begin Card has incorrrect mass unit which is mg. 


Could you investigate these unexpected issues?

Thank you.






  • Junta_20361
    Junta_20361 New Altair Community Member
    edited July 2020

    It's true that the material density is increased 10 times larger, in order to increase time step >> reduce the solution time.
    For the begin card, it doesn't matter. You can remove it and still be able to run the simulation.
    Eventually, the unit system will be defined with the material specs.
    For example, rho = 7.8e-9 and E = 210000 MPa >> unit is mm and ton.