Induced Voltage/current Calculations

Dear Experts,
I am looking to model induced voltage/current in a simple conductive closed loop which is in the vicinity of a high power carrying conductor.
I've not been able to reliably model this scenario in FLUX. Any recommendation would he highly appreciated.
Moreover, I believe FLUX is software of choice considering that the frequency is at 60 Hz (Power frequency). Since this is a time varying phenomenon, I believe transient magnetic is the choice for physics.
Please advise
Thanks and Best Regards
Dear Balaji,
I am not sure to fully understand your questions.
I think that all your commentaries are correct, a transient magnetic simulation in Flux seems the best way to manage this kind of simulation.
I advise you to define the high-power conductor as non-meshed coil, since it is primarily an excitation.
The excited device/s can be defined either as solid conductor or coil conductor depending of its nature. You can also define a sensor to evaluate the flux embraced by the excited coil. From this sensor, you can evaluate the induced voltage. Moreover, if you have also defined a circuit for your excited conductor you will be able also to evaluate the parasitic current.
Hope this helps.
Best regards.
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/profile/28679-alejandro/?do=hovercard' data-mentionid='28679' href='<___base_url___>/profile/28679-alejandro/' rel=''>@Alejandro, Really appreciate your kind inputs. I have not gotten chance to work on this problem statement due to chance in work statement. I will however do this evaluation at a later time and will certainly incorporate your valuable suggestions.
Thank you very much for the guidance
Best Regards
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Dear Balaji,
Thank you for your kind answer. If you have more questions we will be glad to help.
Best regards.