Altair Inspire Extrude extremely SLOW

jix218 Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A



I am using Inspire Extrude Polymer to run a PVC profile simulation and I am using coarse mesh. It took a long time to mesh the file and it seems to take forever to run these nonlinear iterations. It took 18 hours to run from the second iteration to the fifth iteration and there are 25 in total. Now it seems it will take days to finish. 


Can anyone help with this issue? Are there possible ways to increase the calculation speed? I am using a hp Z400 workstation with Win10. I have 20 GB RAM. The detailed system info is attached below. I also attached the file that I am running now. 


Thanks for anyone who can help with this. 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>SysInfo.PNG

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