Question about aperture fields as sources

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A



This is a simple question about some tests I am doing about image theory and equivalence principle.
I have a directive antenna and compute its near-field in two planes z1 and z2 with z2>z1.

The planes are located in front of the antenna and the electric field is sampled lambda/2.
In another feko project I use the near-field from plane z1 as an aperture source to compute the near-field at z2 as described in the documentation.
The near-fields at z2 from the antenna and the aperture are very close to each other in magnitude and phase, they are the same.
Now, in another feko project, I create as many magnetic dipoles in the plane z1 as the number of points in z1 with same location and carefully oriented (x and y oriented considering orientation from equivalence principle, m=Exn). Then I copy the magnitude and phase from the efe file at z1 and compute the fields at z2.

This is I create the aperture with magnetic dipoles myself and the near-fields are different.
Can anyone explain me what can I do to have the same fields using the magnetic dipoles? Is it a scaling?  Am I understanding something wrong?




  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2019

    I think my mistake is that I am asumming a magnetic dipole as a magnetic current element.

    If I look at the radiation integral and MOM, is like i am using a delta dirac as basis function when I should use something like a 2D pulse.


  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2019

    From the documentation: a Magnetic line current (the magnitude is specified as the product of the dipole length and the magnetic current).

    So, I am just missing the dipole length.


  • Mel
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2019

    Hi CIALT


    You should sample and use electric and magnetic fields. Using only 1 of the 2 fields, will cause the propagation direction (Poynting vector) to be in both directions.


    From the User Manual:
