Add and Edit Connections in Altair SimSolid
This video demonstrates how to add and edit connections between parts. Watch this workflow to learn how to:
- Add connections between all parts automatically
- Isolate connections on a single part for review
- Edit connection resolution to increase model fidelity
SimSolid creates point-cloud based connections between different parts to maintain boundary continuity. As the number of connection points increase, the overall number of equations increase and so does the run time. To optimize the performance, SimSolid uses the scale of the parts to determine the number of connection points, i.e., large surfaces areas will get higher number of connection points.
Automatic connections work at an assembly level and use assembly scale to create connections. Manual connections using master/mate option uses local scale to create connections and hence is always more aggressive.
You can achieve better resolution in two ways:
1) Change the connection resolution level to increased or high.
2) Use manual connections using master/mate option.
You need better connection resolution in four scenarios:
1) Thin-walled structures - Always have two or more layers of connection points for proper connectivity.
2) High stresses around connections - Make sure you have dense enough connection points to eliminate any discontinuities which can lead to high stresses.
3) Separating contact - Higher resolutions always helps in faster convergence.
4) Parts with different scale - A part with large surface area and volume connected to an extremely small part may require higher connection resolution and/or use of manual connection.