Hm_panel Edit using TCL

bharath_pampana New Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hi ,


Is there a way to edit panels created using *createmarkpanel?


we get a panel by using the command ' *createmarkpanel nodes 1'. We have only proceed option in that panel.
Is there any way i can edit the panel and create 2 buttons called 'Reject' and 'Return'






  • tinh
    tinh Altair Community Member
    edited September 2019

    I have a way, not official because hooking to panels is tough (it is not tk widget, it is C++).

    Create a tk button looks like 'reject' button, bind it with a script that clear mark then call hm_exitpanel

    Place it over panel area just after *createmarkpanel (need to call via hm_setpanelproc)

    Moreover, you need to raise it again whenever panel is redrawn (if you click 'nodes' to popup advsel menu)


    I will give an sample later.

  • tinh
    tinh Altair Community Member
    edited September 2019

    In below sample proc. I use input panel title to realize main panel that 'return' button is placed on

    I test with HM2017. Please test it on HM Desktop also


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>Capture.thumb.PNG.2fe4f0800a04d730d054eaf73f0e8cbf.PNG


     proc ::*createmarkpanel2 args { set proc [dict get [info frame [info frame]] proc] if {[string equal '{}' $args]} { set InputPanelTitle [lindex [set $proc] end] set CurrentPanelTitle [[if {[info exists ::hw::p_message_label]} {set ::hw::p_message_label} else {set ::HM_Framework::p_message_label}] cget -text] if {[string equal $CurrentPanelTitle $InputPanelTitle]} { lassign [hm_getpanelarea] PNx PNy PNw PNh place .panel_return \ -x [expr $PNx+$PNw-[.panel_return cget -width]-20] \ -y [expr $PNy+$PNh-[.panel_return cget -height]-20-[lindex [hm_getgraphicsarea] 1]] raise .panel_return } else { lower .panel_return } return } else { catch {lower .panel_return} } if {[hm_info functionlock]} return if {![winfo exists .panel_return]} { button .panel_return \ -activebackground #c06060 \ -background #c06060 \ -compound left \ -font {{MS Sans Serif} 10 normal roman} \ -foreground Black \ -height 20 \ -highlightthickness 0 \ -image [image create photo imgBlank] \ -padx 0 -pady 0 \ -text return \ -width 100 } .panel_return configure -command '*clearmark $args; hm_exitpanel' set $proc $args hm_framework registerproc $proc after_menudraw set ERCODE [catch {eval *createmarkpanel $args} RESULT INFO] hm_framework unregisterproc $proc after_menudraw return -code $ERCODE -options $INFO $RESULT }


  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited November 2019

    Hello tinh

    sorry for my disturb i need some help with 1 code tcl eggdrop

    if u have the desire and the time to help me with this , thx in advance