How do I flash my Piccolo (F28035)?
Submitted by Joe on Wed, 11/18/2009 - 04:35
Can I flash directly from VisSim?
Submitted by Anders89 on Wed, 11/18/2009 - 04:53.
1) Make sure you check the Target Flash option in the VisSim Code Generation dialog when you compile your diagram to an out file.
2) Start Code Composer V3.3, connect to the target and select Tools >> F28xx On-chip Flash Programmer
For F28035 settings should be:
DSP Device: F28035
Flash API Interface File: C:\CCStudio_v3.3\plugins\Flash28xx\Algorithms\2803x\FlashAPIInterface2803xV1_00.out
Clock Configuration: OSCCLK=10MHZ, DIVSEL=/2, PLLCR=12, SYSCLKOUT=60MHz
3) Under Operation section, Put path to \vissim70\dsp\ yourFile.out under specify the COFF file to Program/Verify
4) Check Erase,Program,Verify
5) Click Execute Operation0