Importing geometry in Hyperview

Good morning,
I'm working on a h3d file in Hyperview. Is there a way to import the geometry I used to create my model in Hypermesh, to Hyperview? Or is it possible to import a "set" from Hypermesh, to an already runned analysis which I'm post-processing in Hyperview?
I need to select a specific group of elements of a component. I would easily select them "by geometry" or even "by face", but I don't have the geometry loaded in Hyperview and I don't mannage to import it.
Thank you
I don't know how to load/import geometry into Hyperview.
About the sets, yes you can! Have a look at the interface of Hyperview:
- Load model: any supported format for your model: Nastran (bdf), Optistruct (.fem), Abaqus (.inp),.... in this model you can define sets of nodes/elements
- Load results: your analysis results
By this way, all the sets found within model will be evailable in Hyperview for post-processing.
Within Hyperview, you can select nodes/elements "by face" no problem, not need the Geometry. See the following screenshot:
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Thank you very much for your answer.
I'm still having some issues with the model/results loading. After applying the file path in the tab shown in your first screenshot, the program asks to select a Model Reader.
I've tried some of them (first Optistruct, since it is the solver I used for the results) but either the program crashes, or can't recognize some file. Which one should I choose?. I think I'm missing something about file formats here: the model should be .hm and results should be .h3d or .mvw, right?
The model in which I would prepare the set of elements is .hm format.
The default files I find when opening my results are both .h3d and the select "by face" button shown in your second screenshot is unclickable (grayed out)EDIT:
I get the error: "failed to read model from 'model' resource" for almost every model reader. With the others it simply crash
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When you're asked for Model Reader, your model format is NOT supported by Hyperview.
When you select model, click on file type to see supported formats:
For the results:
If you work with Optistruct solver, the model format should be your .FEM file. The results can be H3D.
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Ok, thank you. I was mistaking 'model' with the file I worked on Hypermesh to generate the mesh and running the analysis. Now I got my model exported and ready to use
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Hello Emanuele,
In the aim to have your sets in HyperView, you have multiple way to do :
1. Import your model as it already described in the first answer
2. Export sets from your HyperMesh model and import it in HyperView. To do that you can follow the steps in the video named "Export_Import_Sets.mp4" attached to this topic
3. The last solution is to load the AreoSpace user profile in HyperMesh and use the tool to synchronise the sets from HyperMesh to HyperView. See the video "Sync_Sets.mp4" for more details.
Hope these information will help you.