Motion using markers
Hi guys,
I'm trying to evaluate the reaction forces on both the translational joints (they have been modeled as compliance joints in order to do not get redundant constraints). To achieve this result, I need to apply a motion between the piston (green one) and the case of the cylinder (yellow one) using makers, but the system fails to reach the convergence. I would like to know how to apply the motion using markers, since seems to be quite tricky to me.
Thank you all.
Do you have access to Inspire Motion? Attached model can be opened and exported to MDL format for use in MotionView.
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Altair Forum User said:
Do you have access to Inspire Motion? Attached model can be opened and exported to MDL format for use in MotionView.
Thank you Asajd.
I'll check this example out, but I still would like to know how to fix this problem in MotionView.