Active Power vs Joule Losses

Dear sir/madame,
This topic arises using the 'Computation / On physical Entity / Compute' tool in a solid conductor.
Im my humble experience with this software, I've been wrong on what it means the Active Power & the Joule losses: Until now, the calculated active power was higher than the joule losses that is why I thought that the Joule Losses were a fraction oc the active Power. The thing is that in some actual simulations, I witnessed the opposite.
As a consequence, I would like to know how flux calcules and what takes into account in this two losses.
Best regards,
Dear Andoni,
About the difference between active power and Joule losses I think you will find an explanation in Flux help, more precisely:
where C:/ProgramFiles/Altair/2019/ should be replaced by your Flux installation directory.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,