WinProp API Rural Propagation
I was able to successfully follow the WinPropScriptingAPIReferenceGuide.Pdf and run the outdoor_propagation located in C:\Users\USER\Altair\2019_server\feko\api\winprop\examples.
What I am trying to figure out is how to use the API to calculate a rural path-loss propagation.
I've attached my code as a reference:
int Error = 0;
WinProp_ParaMain GeneralParameters;
WinProp_ParaRural RuralParameters;
WinProp_Antenna Antenna;
WinProp_Callback Callback;
WinProp_Result Resultmatrix;
WinProp_RayMatrix RayMatrix;
char* my_tdb_database = API_DATA_FOLDER 'Perimeter_Topo_DB.tdb'; // name of .tdb database without extensions
/* ------------------------ Initialization of parameters ----------------------*/
/*---------------- Definition of scenario -------------------------------------*/
/* Definition of general parameters. */
GeneralParameters.ScenarioMode = SCENARIOMODE_RURAL; // Rural prediction
GeneralParameters.PredictionModelRural = PREDMODEL_RURAL_RDP; // Use Dominant Path Model
/* Definition of prediction area. */
GeneralParameters.RuralLowerLeftX = -102;
GeneralParameters.RuralLowerLeftY = 30;
GeneralParameters.RuralUpperRightX = -100;
GeneralParameters.RuralUpperRightY = 31;
/* Size of matrix with results. */
GeneralParameters.Resolution = 100; // Resolution in meters
GeneralParameters.MatrixFormat = MATRIXFORMAT_DEFAULT;
GeneralParameters.MatrixWidth = (int)((GeneralParameters.RuralUpperRightX - GeneralParameters.RuralLowerLeftX) / GeneralParameters.Resolution + 1.0);
GeneralParameters.MatrixHeight = (int)((GeneralParameters.RuralUpperRightY - GeneralParameters.RuralLowerLeftY) / GeneralParameters.Resolution + 1.0);
GeneralParameters.PredictionHeight = 1.5; // Prediction height in meter
GeneralParameters.BreakpointMode = BREAKPOINT_FIXED;
GeneralParameters.BreakpointDistance = 12.56637;
/* Building topography data. */
GeneralParameters.TopographyMode = TOPOMODE_SEPARATE; // Consider Topography from separate file
sprintf(GeneralParameters.TopographyName, '%s', my_tdb_database); // Topography database in WinProp format
GeneralParameters.TopographyHeightMode = 1; // Topography database includes buildings (0) or not (1)
/* Specifying Rural Parameters as needed */
RuralParameters.KnifeEdge = KE_OFF; // Not considered
RuralParameters.HataSubMode = HATA_SUB_OPEN; // Open area
/*----------------------------- Definition of antenna ---------------------------------------------*/
/* Position and configuration. */
Antenna.Longitude_X = -101;
Antenna.Latitude_Y = 30.5;
Antenna.Height = 8.0;
Antenna.Power = 30.0; // Power in dBm, 1 W = 30 dBm
Antenna.Frequency = 900.0; // Frequency in MHz
Antenna.Model = WINPROP_MODEL_DPM; // Wave propagation model used
Antenna.DataType = PROP_RESULT_PATHLOSS; // Type of result to be computed
Antenna.Name = 'Building4795Antenna';
/*-------------------------- Callbacks --------------------------------------------------*/
Callback.Percentage = CallbackProgress; // Function pointer to function called for progress bar update
Callback.Message = CallbackMessage; // Function pointer to function called for message output
Callback.Error = CallbackError; // Function pointer to function called for error output
/*--------------------------- Compute outdoor prediction --------------------------------*/
Error = OutdoorPlugIn_ComputePrediction(&Antenna, &GeneralParameters, NULL, NULL, &RuralParameters, NULL, &Callback, &Resultmatrix, &RayMatrix, NULL);
// Returns 0 = success, 1 = failure
............ The rest of the code is essentially from the example cpp file provided from the API.
Visual Studio produces the following error when debugging: Exception thrown at 0x00007FF954B7335C (ucrtbase.dll) in SiteCoverage_debug.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. @ the Error = OutdoorPlugin_ComputePrediction line bolded in the code posted above.
Again, I was able to run the initial example just fine. Is there something I'm missing or specifying incorrectly that does not allow me to compute a path-loss propogation from a topography database (.tdb) and my antenna?