Find one row mesh elements
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Logic to find them is: 1 row element will have 2 free-edge rows.
Just search every element that have 2 free edges.
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Altair Forum User said:
I have a model with one row mesh elements at some locations . I have a logic to find the one row mesh elements , but is there any approach to split that one row into two ?
P.S : I need to automate the split or automesh option using TCL script . Is it possible ?
For selecting one row of elements, you can try :
hm_createmark 'by box' 'x0 y0 z0 x1 y1 z1 syst location contained all tol' Place entities on mark_id if they are inside/outside/on the boundary of the box. x0 - lower bound x coordinate y0 - lower bound y coordinate z0 - lower bound z coordinate x1 - upper bound x coordinate y1 - upper bound y coordinate z1 - upper bound z coordinate syst - the ID of a local coordinate system to which the coordinate bounds are relative to. If 0, the global axes are used. location - The location of the entities to find, relative to the shape. Valid values are inside, outside, boundary and acrossboundary. contained - A flag that indicates whether the entire entity should meet the location criteria (1) or just any part of the entity (0) to be selected. all - A flag that indicates whether all entities (1) or only displayed entities (0) are considered for selection. tol - The tolerance to use. In most cases, this should be set to 0.
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Altair Forum User said:
Logic to find them is: 1 row element will have 2 free-edge rows.
Just search every element that have 2 free edges.
Is it possible to split that one row into two using automesh option
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Yes, it is.
You have to break connection
But i don't think it is a good idea.
We can make a script to split quad strips, like a function in ansa
Are you working with Japanese regulation? I know that jp regulation does not permit quad strips. I wrote a script to find them.
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Altair Forum User said:
Yes, it is.
You have to break connection
But i don't think it is a good idea.
We can make a script to split quad strips, like a function in ansa
Are you working with Japanese regulation? I know that jp regulation does not permit quad strips. I wrote a script to find them.
Actually the element is not quad its tria . Im not working with japanese regulation.
Is it possible to remesh without breaking the connectivity?
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No, i think it isn't
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Thanks for the info /emoticons/default_smile.png' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' title=':)' width='20' />