HyperStudy Tips and Tricks: #6 - Deploying, Sharing and Re-Using Your Fit Models
Hello Design Explorers,
A feature of HyperStudy is that it can automatically build predictive models (Fits) that can be used to perform trade-off studies. But, did you know that you can also deploy fits outside of HyperStudy and share them with other users and groups so that they can be re-used for different studies?
1) Take advantage of your portable Spreadsheet “soothsayer” any time you need to evaluate performance.
Imagine you got a last-minute request from a manufacture to modify a design parameter. This one change requires you to go back and check the system performance with the new value. If this sounds familiar, then the tip below is for you!
After you have created the Fit and assessed its quality, create a Spreadsheet report.
The Spreadsheet report will contain a portable sheet that “encapsulates” the Fit models. You can change the values in the Input rows to help you predict the performance without having to open HyperStudy.
It’s practical, isn’t it? Also, make sure to share this Spreadsheet with your non-HyperStudy colleagues so that they can do the same when you are not available.
2) Take advantage of Fit models to conduct multi-domain explorations.
Imagine you are involved in a multi-domain design exploration study. A colleague from the NVH group did a “HyperStudy 1-Structural” study, a colleague from the Crash group did a “HyperStudy 2-Bird Strike” study, and you did your “Electromagnetics” part in a “HyperStudy 3” study. Now you want to consolidate your work into a single study to perform a multi-domain optimization.
This can be easily achieved by exporting and re-using the Fit models.
- Export the Fits created for each analysis individually via a HyperStudy Fit report (*.pyfit files).
- Create a new study and add a HyperStudy Fit model, then import the three *.pyfit files.
- Perform a multi-domain exploration within a single study based on the Fit models.
Does this help? Let us know your feedback!
Altair Team.