Meshless Strain Life Fatigue with Altair SimSolid

Evan Brennan_20557
Evan Brennan_20557 New Altair Community Member
edited February 2022 in Altair HyperWorks

Explore the capabilities of meshless strain life fatigue analysis from within Altair SimSolid.

  • Create multi-loadcase structural analysis
  • Automatically import fatigue channels and map them to structural loadcases via CSV file  to create time fatigue events
  • Manually create sequential fatigue events
  • View fatigue damage and life results for individual or combined events
  • Rank and isolate parts by damage/life 



  • Girish Mudigonda_21018
    Girish Mudigonda_21018
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2022

    What method is used to correct the elastic stresses?

  • Evan Brennan_20557
    Evan Brennan_20557 New Altair Community Member
    edited February 2022

    What method is used to correct the elastic stresses?

    In this case, I've used the default stress correction methods for EN analysis in SimSolid which are Smith, Watson, Topper (SWT) Method for tension and Fatemi-Socie (FS) for shear.

    This methods are well known and documented in detail in the SimSolid Help.

  • Girish Mudigonda_21018
    Girish Mudigonda_21018
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2022

    What method is used to correct the elastic stresses?

    In this case, I've used the default stress correction methods for EN analysis in SimSolid which are Smith, Watson, Topper (SWT) Method for tension and Fatemi-Socie (FS) for shear.

    This methods are well known and documented in detail in the SimSolid Help.

    what about correction of elastic stresses to elasto-plastic stresses?

  • Evan Brennan_20557
    Evan Brennan_20557 New Altair Community Member
    edited February 2022

    What method is used to correct the elastic stresses?

    In this case, I've used the default stress correction methods for EN analysis in SimSolid which are Smith, Watson, Topper (SWT) Method for tension and Fatemi-Socie (FS) for shear.

    This methods are well known and documented in detail in the SimSolid Help.

    what about correction of elastic stresses to elasto-plastic stresses?

    In this case SimSolid leverages Neuber correction