Mastering Connections in Altair Inspire: Create and Modify Bushings, Connectors (Spider) with Python APIs

Karthi Kandasamy
Karthi Kandasamy
Altair Employee
edited October 2024 in Altair HyperWorks


Create bushings between the selected surfaces of the parts.

With bushings, you can create connections with multi-directional stiffness and mass properties between two set of surfaces of two parts. This helps capture the physics and more accurately correlate results within an assembly.​
Creating Bushings and Modify it properties
from hwx import inspire  #clear the existing model and create a fresh session.  model = inspire.newModel() #Creating a solid block with default dimensions (x=1m, y=1m, z=1m)  box1 = model.createSolidBlock() #Move the part object to (-2,0,0) location  box1 .translate(x=-2, y=0, z=0) #Creating a solid block with default dimensions (x=1m, y=1m, z=1m)  box2 = model.createSolidBlock() #Query a feature planar from box1 part object. face1 = box1.getFeatures(inspire.FeaturePlanar)[5] #Query a feature planar from box2 part object. face2 = box2.getFeatures(inspire.FeaturePlanar)[2] # Create Bushing bushing = inspire.Bushing(primaryFeatures=face1, secondaryFeatures=face2, name ='Bushing 1') # Fit the model to the screen.  inspire.fitView()  #Modify the existing bushing  #Query an existing bushing with name  'Bushing 1' bushing = model.getChild(type ='Bushing', name = 'Bushing 1')  #Modify the name of the bushings = 'bushing connector'  #Modify Translational stiffness of Bushing ( TX, TY, TZ ) bushing.stiffness =[100.0, 100.0, 100.0]  #Modify damping stiffness of Bushing ( TX, TY, TZ ) bushing.damping=[100.0, 100.0, 100.0]   #Modify forcePreload of Bushing  ( FX, FY, FZ ) bushing.forcePreload = [100.0, 100.0, 100.0]   #Modify angularStiffness  of Bushing ( RX, RY, RZ ) bushing.angularStiffness=[100.0, 100.0, 100.0]   #Modify angular Damping of Bushing  ( RX, RY, RZ ) bushing.angularDamping=[100.0, 100.0, 100.0]   #Modify torque Preload  of Bushing bushing.torquePreload=[100.0, 100.0, 100.0]   #Modify mass  of Bushing bushing.mass='100 kg' 

Creating a Grounded bushing

from hwx import inspire  #clear the existing model and create a fresh session.  model = inspire.newModel() #Creating a solid block with default dimensions (x=1m, y=1m, z=1m)  box1 = model.createSolidBlock() #Move the part object to (-2,0,0) location  box1 .translate(x=-2, y=0, z=0) #Creating a solid block with default dimensions (x=1m, y=1m, z=1m)  box2 = model.createSolidBlock() #Query a feature planar from box1 part object. face1 = box1.getFeatures(inspire.FeaturePlanar)[5] #Query a feature planar from box2 part object. face2 = box2.getFeatures(inspire.FeaturePlanar)[2]  # Create grounded Bushing bushing = inspire.Bushing(primaryFeatures=face1, secondaryFeatures=face2, name ='Bushing 1',grounded=True)  # Fit the model to the screen.  inspire.fitView()  

Interactively select the features to create bushings

 from hwx import inspire  #import debug module to use picking context.  from hwx.inspire.gui import debug  #get existing model model = inspire.getModel()  # Create a context to pick area feature from the model.  #This context allows you to pick interested feature to pick from the model  # Once the  interested feature is picked you can swipe left to exit the selection mode.   primaryFeatures= debug.pick('FeatureArea',multi=True, helpMessage="Pick primary  features and exit the context to pick secondary features. ") secondaryFeatures= debug.pick('FeatureArea',multi=True, helpMessage="Pick secondary features  and exit the context to create bushings. ")                     # Create Bushing bushing = inspire.Bushing(primaryFeatures, secondaryFeatures)  


Connectors (Spiders)

Connectors link points, edges, or faces to each other, and are shown as red lines radiating from a central point. They are generally used to connect two parts together, or to apply a load or support at a distance.


 from hwx import inspire  #clear the existing model and create a fresh session.  model = inspire.newModel() #Creating a solid block with default dimensions (x=1m, y=1m, z=1m)  box1 = model.createSolidBlock() #Move the part object to (-2,0,0) location  box1 .translate(x=-2, y=0, z=0) #Creating a solid block with default dimensions (x=1m, y=1m, z=1m)  box2 = model.createSolidBlock() #Query a feature planar from box1 part object. face1 = box1.getFeatures(inspire.FeaturePlanar)[5] #Query a feature planar from box2 part object. face2 = box2.getFeatures(inspire.FeaturePlanar)[2] #Creating connector/spider between two faces.  spider = inspire.Spider(face1 , face2)  inspire.fitView()  #modify the spider/connector properties. #query a connector with name 'Connector 1'. spider = model.getChild(type='Spider', name ='Connector 1' )  #Modify the connector / spider type to 'Flexible'. spider.connectionType ='Flexible'  #Modify the connector / spider type to 'Rigid'. spider.connectionType ='Rigid'  


Interactively select the features to create bushings

  from hwx import inspire  #import debug module to use picking context.  from hwx.inspire.gui import debug  #get existing model model = inspire.getModel()  # Create a context to pick area feature from the model.  #This context allows you to pick interested feature to pick from the model  # Once the  interested feature is picked you can swipe left to exit the selection mode.   features= debug.pick('Feature',multi=True, helpMessage="Pick two  features and exit the context to create connector. ")     # Create spider spider = inspire.Spider(features[0],features[1])