Applying DEM outputs to the unified comminution model


A.T. McBride, I. Govender, M.S. Powell




Minerals Engineering



The concept of a unified comminution model (UCM) was formulated with the vision of bringing all comminution models onto a common base. The structure of the model relies on knowledge of the mechanical environment in the comminution devices – the discrete element method (DEM) has been used as the tool to simulate this.The model structure tackles the fundamental causes of rock breakage, considering them to be independent of the comminution equipment. The equipment is considered to be the mechanism that applies a given comminution environment to the ore particles. Thus, once an understanding of the processes of ore breakage is gained, the mechanical environment from any type of equipment can be overlaid to provide a model that predicts the production of broken material.


Comminution model, dem, Discrete element modelling, Grinding, SAG milling

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