A review of particle damping modeling and testing


G.L. Ghiringhelli, L. Gagnon, M. Morandini




Journal of Sound and Vibration



This survey provides an overview of the different approaches seen in the literature concerning particle damping. The emphasis is on particle dampers used on beams vibrating at frequencies between 10 Hz and 1 kHz. Design examples, analytical formulations, numerical models, and experimental setups for such dampers are gathered. Modeling approaches are presented both for particle interaction and for systems equipped with particle dampers. The consequences of the nonlinear behavior of particle dampers are brought to attention. As such, the apparent contradictions of the conclusions and approaches presented in the literature are highlighted. A list of particle simulation software and their use in the literature is provided. Most importantly, a suggested approach to create a sound numerical simulation of a particle damper and the accompanying experimental tests is given. It consists of setting up a discrete element method simulation, calibrating it with literature data and a representative damper experiment, and testing it outside of the range of operation used for the tuning.


Discrete element method, Distinct element method, Experimental Testing, granular structure, Numerical modeling, Particle damping, Particle Dynamics

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