A space for data analytics & AI related technical resources and discussions.
This content as now been moved to the Monarch Success Plan page. The Monarch Success Plan includes the Monarch Essentials, as well as Content on Monarch Exercises, Quick Tips, and Monarch Demonstrations, with more to come.
In simple terms, Simpson’s Paradox occurs when a trend appears in subgroups but disappears or is reversed when subgroups are combined into a single dataset. Knowledge Studio supports detection of this statistical phenomenon. In this short overview video, you will see an example of how Simpson’s Paradox can manifest itself…
Most machine learning algorithms assume there are equal numbers of examples for each class in the source data. Many datasets contain substantially different numbers of records for important classes — resulting in an imbalanced class problem. Failure to handle this properly results in models with poor predictive…
In the context of machine learning applications, GLM models allows the use of dependent variables that do not follow normal distributions. This short overview video shows how easy it is to use Knowledge Studio’s GLM node to utilize this advanced statistical technique to build more accurate machine learning models.
Welcome to this short series of exercises designed to help beginners test their skills and knowledge of Monarch. These exercises will cover many of the essential features of both Monarch Classic and the Data Prep Studio. A video demonstration of the results will be posted 10-14 days after an exercise has been posted. Feel…
Ask The Expert Series on June 22, 2021 Monarch & Monarch Server(Automator) The Session began with a brief overview of RegEx Trapping before diving into the LIVE Questions. Monarch Question & Answer: 1. What if you're dealing with a text file that has a header row, as opposed to your example report where things like…
A client recently asked me about the Multicollinearity Analysis node functionality in Knowledge Studio. Specifically, when defining a threshold, how the selection happens if two variables are highly correlated and which of the two variables will be kept. As this might be a question for other users as well, I decided to…
This video provides an overview of what Models and Projects are, and how to save them. This video is the tenth of the ten part Monarch Classic Essentials video training series. Please be sure to watch KB0116552 "Monarch Essentials Video Training 2: Access & Use Exercise Files" before watching this video:…
This video provides an overview of how to Export to Excel with Multiple Tabs. This video is the ninth of the ten part Monarch Classic Essentials video training series. Please be sure to watch KB0116552 "Monarch Essentials Video Training 2: Access & Use Exercise Files" before watching this video:…
This video provides an overview of how to Export to Excel with 1 Tab. This video is the eighth of the ten part Monarch Classic Essentials video training series. Please be sure to watch KB0116552 "Monarch Essentials Video Training 2: Access & Use Exercise Files" before watching this video:…
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