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What is feature selection and why do we need to perform it? In machine learning, one of the main components of data preprocessing is feature selection. Each column in the dataset that is fed into our machine-learning model is called a feature, also known as variable or attribute. If we use too many features to train a…
Local MinIO Installation Certain optional features of an Altair SLC Hub requires an S3 compatible object store in order to store information. One option for providing this is to use a local MinIO installation. This page details and example of setting up a local S3 store for an Altair SLC Hub. Please note that the…
Yes, with limitations, via LIBNAME ODBC. Operations on SQLite files via ODBC do not support update or delete actions. A SQLite database is a file-based database, so there is no server to connect to. A simple LIBNAME statement can establish access to tables within a named SQLite file: LIBNAME db ODBC dsn=mylitefile; The…
You can easily import Monarch Classic models and projects into Monarch Data Prep Studio and keep all prep operations, summaries, and exports intact. This allows you to work with more data sources and types, and take advantage of data preparation features not available in Classic.
After preparing, transforming, and analyzing your data, Monarch Data Prep Studio allows you to export your tables and summaries to CSV and other formats for reporting and visualization.
Altair Monarch Data Prep Studio allows you to export tables and summaries to Microsoft® Excel®.
After preparing, transforming, and analyzing your data in Monarch Data Prep Studio, you can export tables and summaries to formats that may easily be shared with others in the team. This video shows us how to define the layout of these tables and summaries for when they are exported or printed.
Report summaries allow users to analyze prepped and transformed data. In Monarch Data Prep Studio, users can format summary measures to highlight information and help identify patterns and trends.
Data summaries help users analyze data and uncover insights. This video shows how you can create summaries and control their layout to make them easy to understand quickly. Monarch Data Prep Studio also allows you to export summaries to Microsoft® Excel®. (Refer to our video in Knowledgebase Article KB0117237 to learn more…
Monarch Data Prep Studio’s Analyze feature enables you to match key values and create advanced summaries to identify top performers, discover issues, and focus on specific customers and their transactions.
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