Node renumbering using commands
Dear all,
the following image is an example.
In the following image, i would like to re-number the node number 13 to 113.
I am able to do it using the manual options available under tools option.
But i would like to re-number using commands or tcl scripts.
Thanks & Regards,
Prabhu p
Try these commands :
*createmark nodes 1 'dispalyed'
*renumbersolverid nodes 1 1000 1 0 0 0 0 0.
These commands will renumber ids of all displayed nodes, start from 1000 and increase by 1.
You can get more detail about commands in the Help file.
One more thing, next time, if you want to know a command to do a thing in HM, you can follow this method:
- Go to the working directory (usually the Document folder), delete file name command.tcl.
- Perform the action you wish to know its command in Tcl.
- Go back to the working directory folder and open file named command.tcl
The command you need will be written in this file.