Generate Points in 3D / Export Mesh
Jan Grasmannsdorf_20379
New Altair Community Member
Dear Mr./Ms. currently, I am looking for a way to generate points (in 3D) over a random surface. So far I see some very impressive futures in HyperMash. I wonder if there is an opportunity to export the points that are generated with the mesh. Ideally, i would be able to generate a mesh and then export the points to CATIA V5 where I can use them. |
you can export any mesh point coordinates by using the File -> Export -> Solver Deck function in HyperMesh. Please make sure that you choose a user profile (at the start of HyperMesh) and format that is supported by Catia V5. Then you should be able to import the HyperMesh generated data into your CAD system.