OS-1010 - Error

Altair Forum User
Altair Employee

I try to follow up OS-1010: Thermal Stress Analysis of a Coffee Pot Lid using HyperWorks 14.0
Everything works OK until I start optistruct.
I am sure i assigned property to componets.
but I still got an so many errors:
*** See next message about line 6023 from file:
/Program Files/hyperhelp/tutorials/hwsolvers/optistruct/coffee_lid.fem
'PSHELL 3 02.5 0 0 0.0'
*** ERROR # 1000 *** in the input data:
Incorrect data in field # 3.
thks Rahul!
But i don’t use PSHELL.1
I assigned PSHELL to the 2 component.
Should i assign material to PSHELL.1 too?
0 -
Please refer attached updated file.