Tool Rotation Simulation on Hyperform

I need to know if it is possible to simulate tools that rotation in opposite directions to form a blank (see attached image for a visual explanation). Note: In green is the blank which is the profile of a cylinder.
Thank you in advance
i believe you need to create your model manually in RADIOSS user profile to input this kind of motion. I'm not sure HF can create these rotational BCs directly.
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I can not find any option to create a rotating motion in the user profile. The simulation I am going for is similar to two gear wheels turning in opposite directions. Am I able to do this with hypermesh?
Thank you in advance
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in Radioss user profile rotations can be applied with imposed displacement or velocity boundary condition (XX, YY or ZZ direction of global or local coordinate system- skew) with prescribed displacement/rotation versus time curve.
Create rigid bodies on each of the upper and lower tool and apply the boundary conditions only on the master nodes of rigid bodies. Make sure to constrain all unwanted degrees of freedom.
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Thank you for this info. I will look into it.
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