error code

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited 2020 04 in Community Q&A

Altair License Manager: License error

Feature(s): GlobalZoneAP, HyperWorks, HWAutomate
Error Code: 9
Error Description:
Feature not found

Feature: Automate
Error Code: 6
Error Description:
[LOCAL] C:/Program Files/Altair/2017.2-edu/security/altair_lic.dat - (Err: 9) Feature not found
[LOCAL] C:\Program Files\Altair\2017-edu\security\altair_lic.da - (Err: 6) Unable to read file

License Path: C:/Program Files/Altair/2017.2-edu/security/altair_lic.dat;C:\Program Files\Altair\2017-edu\security\altair_lic.da


how to i sovle this error?

after that error occur, i received new license and installed again...also change the system variable...

help me plz



  • Pranav Hari
    Pranav Hari Altair Community Member
    edited 2019 14

    Hi chuls


    Check and ensure that you have only one license file in your system. If there is any other license file inside any previous version folder, delete it


  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited 2019 16

    i  already deleted and  received new license from altair. i changed new license file in security folder.  but that error code happen always

  • Pranav Hari
    Pranav Hari Altair Community Member
    edited 2019 16

    Hi chuls


    It seems from the error message that you have 2 Altair folders namely '2017.2-EDU' and '2017- EDU'. In which folder is your license file copied to?


    Also after downloading the license file, rename it to altair_lic.dat and place the same in the <installation directory>/security folder, remove the license file from all other locations and remove any environment variables that have anything to do with Altair licensing.

    Use windows folder options / view > display file name extensions, to make sure the file is named altair_lic.dat and not altair_lic.dat.dat,

    Please let us know if the error persists after the above steps

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited 2019 16

    umm... i copied license file to 'C:\Program Files\Altair\2017.2-edu\security' here.

    is it right?

  • Pranav Hari
    Pranav Hari Altair Community Member
    edited 2019 16



    Delete the other folder '2017- EDU'.

    Also, did you confirm the file is named altair_lic.dat and not altair_lic.dat.dat?

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited 2019 16

    yes, name is altair_lic.dat


    but... i dont know where is 2017-edu folder....

    (C:\Program Files\Altair\2017-edu\ ) i cant find this root.


  • Pranav Hari
    Pranav Hari Altair Community Member
    edited 2019 16

    Hi chuls


    1. Do you have an environment variable defined? If yes delete the environment variable and try.

    Just copy the new license file inside the security folder and try opening HW




    2. If that doesn't work copy the license file to a location that does not change and set an environment variable pointing to that location.

    The variable name is ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH and specify the path of the license file.

    To set an environment variable:
    In Windows 10, Go to Settings -> System -> About -> System Info -> Advanced System Settings.
    Click the Environment Variables button, and add a new User or System level environment variable with the New button. Add the variable name as ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH, click Browse File…, browse to the location that the license is stored and select it

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited 2019 16




    Altair License Manager: License error

    Feature(s): GlobalZoneAP, HyperWorks, HWAutomate
    Error Code: 9
    Error Description:
    Feature not found

    Feature: Automate
    Error Code: 9
    Error Description:
    [LOCAL] C:\Program Files\Altair\2017.2-edu\security\altair_lic.dat - (Err: 9) Feature not found

    License Path: C:/Program Files/Altair/2017.2-edu/security/altair_lic.dat;C:\Program Files\Altair\2017.2-edu\security\altair_lic.dat

    this message occurred....


    i m sorry.... 

  • Pranav Hari
    Pranav Hari Altair Community Member
    edited 2019 17

    Hi chuls


    You need to confirm if the Ethernet address in the license file is the correct one and matches the one in your machine.


    When you open the license file in a text editor you will see an Ethernet address there in a line that says 'ETHERNET =


    The Ethernet ID is the ID of your machine which is exactly 12 hexadecimal numbers. For example D4WRF478F398


    Run ipconfig/all in command window and check for physical address under Ethernet adapter local area connection or Ethernet adapter Ethernet


    The listed physical address under Ethernet adapter local area connection or Ethernet adapter Ethernet should be used to generate the license file

    Check whether the Host-id of your system matches with the generated license file.


     if the Host-id does not match the one in the license file, please request for the license file again with the correct Ethernet ID.


    You can check your computer’s Ethernet address, by using the almutil -hostid application from the Start > Altair > Tools > Admin tools Menu and compare it with the result in the command window,

    Alternatively run getmac in command window to find out available Ethernet addresses to cross check as well