Replace values by conditional match

dedeer New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Hi all,

I searched the community and couldn't find the answer. Maybe it was solved before but I need it urgently. So appreciate if you answer again. 

I am working on a very messy dataset. As you look above, models L200, L 200, MITSUBISHI L200 etc. (I mean all of them) are the same model of a brand. I would like to replace any value that has "200" with "L200". 

ex  value  - --------------------- -new value
MITSUBISHI L 200              -L200
L 200                                    -L200
L200 4x4                              -L200
so on. 

is there any easy way of doing it? 

Best Answer

  • hbajpai
    hbajpai New Altair Community Member
    edited April 2020 Answer ✓
    Hey @dedeer ,

    You can use Generate attributes to create a cleaned attribute as following. If it just few cases that you want to clean.
    Also, you can explore regex with Replace operator for a more generalized solution.


  • hbajpai
    hbajpai New Altair Community Member
    edited April 2020 Answer ✓
    Hey @dedeer ,

    You can use Generate attributes to create a cleaned attribute as following. If it just few cases that you want to clean.
    Also, you can explore regex with Replace operator for a more generalized solution.