Using the results of my first model as an Input of my second model

Carlo New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Hi Rapid-Miner-Community,

Due to your help I successfully created my first model. The aim was to cluster countries according to different environmental factors. As output I receive two clusters for each region I have defined.
My second model should now take up these clusters and form the regression line for each cluster accordingly.
It is important that the input for the second model is different from the input of the clustering model.

Therefore, I ask myself how I can automatically apply the results from the first model to the second model.

I am looking forward to your tips and hints

Best regards,

Best Answer


  • Carlo
    Carlo New Altair Community Member
    Hello @varunm1

    Thank you very much for this hint.
    For my second model, I would need to filter my input according to the cluster-results of the first model.
    I really tried it with the retrieve operator but I think I need your suggestion once more.

    Thanks in advance!

  • varunm1
    varunm1 New Altair Community Member
    You are storing the predicted output with cluster labels right? So after retrieve you can attach the filter examples and then set the filter criteria in the parameters. 
  • Carlo
    Carlo New Altair Community Member
    That's right, but I'm wondering if it's possible to set the filter criteria automatically due to the cluster labels :)
  • varunm1
    varunm1 New Altair Community Member
    I am not sure if there is an option like that inside the model itself. But if you want to store after filtering, then you can connect filter before store operator it self.