How to extract data from .res-File via Python?
Hello Everyone,
Happy new years to you.
I have been working on a python script for post-processing the data which I get from my analyses and optimization done via HyperWorks and OptiStruct. What I achieved so far is the reading of the .fem-file and turn it into useable data for me.
However I would also like to read the analysis/optimization result files into python and connect it to my elements from .fem-file.
The data is not visible when opening .res-file with the standard editor, unlike the .fem-data which is clearly readable.
What do I need to do to make the .res-file readable? Is there a special codec I need to use?
Thank you and best regards,
I don't know of any codec for the res file besides using HyperMesh or HyperView.
There are other files you can request that are in ascii format. Depending on what you are looking for you may be able to parse some of the information from the out file.
Here is the link to the help file about OptiStruct output files: