Creating an operator Changing Configurations

aneeta_2013 New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A

I want to create a new class for that I have made all the changes given in these links

I changed the code in OperatorTempelate.xml, OperatorDocTempelate.xml, and insert icons

and then I installed the extension and it gives me no error 

when I checked it in rapid miner no such operator has been created 

Can anyone guide me where i went wrong


pic1.jpg 216.7K


  • aneeta_2013
    aneeta_2013 New Altair Community Member

    its done

  • Marco_Boeck
    Marco_Boeck New Altair Community Member



    would you mind sharing what your problem was?

    There is little more infuriating than searching on the internet for a problem, only to find a post by someone who had the same problem and then later just wrote "fixed it myself" because that essentially amounts to "but I'm not telling you how, haha!" :smileyhappy:




  • surabhi
    surabhi New Altair Community Member

    Please tell me how its done. I am facing the same issue.