change system time

Altair Employee
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A do you change the system time (or time zone) for RM Server?  I seem to be permanently stuck on GMT.



Best Answer

  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi Scott,

    a RapidMiner Server's time is defined by two things: The computer system's time and the time zone of the computer.

    Each OS has defined both things, if you change it there it should be changed on your server as well.

    Please notice that having two different time zones between your Studio and Server can cause different results of processes as the default is to use the system's time zone.

    So if you have a server in the cloud in a different timezone this can cause problems. All time dependent operators all to explicitly set the timezone, this might be necessary then.


    It may be, that your server is configured to use UTC (which is GMT with no summertime) to have a fixed point of reference.


    Unfortunately I don't remember if we changed something with your server when we set it up. If it is still the same installation at all.





  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi Scott,

    a RapidMiner Server's time is defined by two things: The computer system's time and the time zone of the computer.

    Each OS has defined both things, if you change it there it should be changed on your server as well.

    Please notice that having two different time zones between your Studio and Server can cause different results of processes as the default is to use the system's time zone.

    So if you have a server in the cloud in a different timezone this can cause problems. All time dependent operators all to explicitly set the timezone, this might be necessary then.


    It may be, that your server is configured to use UTC (which is GMT with no summertime) to have a fixed point of reference.


    Unfortunately I don't remember if we changed something with your server when we set it up. If it is still the same installation at all.




  • sgenzer
    Altair Employee

    Hi Sebastian,


    Thanks for that.  Yes I finally figured out about the system time and found out the hard way about different system times between your computer and the server.  Goodness things can really get screwed up.  I had processes coming and going like a futuristic time machine.  :)


    I also figured out my other question...just use the timeout command in Unix prior to the command.  Works fine.

