User interface for Macros in FLUX

Frank_Mau_1 Altair Community Member
edited March 2022 in Community Q&A


How can I generate a tab in my macro user interface?



I have found this window type in the Overlay tutorial but I cannot find any hint in the python code.

In the Macro example is the code for a single window without tab element:




@param NPPoles R08 1 1 2 Number of pole pairs
@param NPPolesRep R08 1 1 0.5 Number of pole pairs represented in geometry (0.5 is only one pole represented)
@param StatorPeriodicity R08 1 1 2 Number of stator periodicities (different for NPPoles in fractional winding machines)
@param CurrentSupply CurrentSource 1 ? 1 Select the current sources corresponding to the stator supply (first is asssumed to be phase of reference)
@param Rotor MechanicalSetRotation1Axis 1 1 1 Rotor mechanical set
@param Stator MechanicalSetFixed 1 1 1 Stator mechanical set

def Find_Rotor_Angle_2D(NPPoles, NPPolesRep, StatorPeriodicity, CurrentSupply,Rotor,Stator):


Thank you very much.


Best Answer

  • asoualmi
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2022 Answer ✓


    Unfortunately it is not possible to make a tab in the case of macros. it is a limitation.

    Thank you.


  • asoualmi
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2022 Answer ✓


    Unfortunately it is not possible to make a tab in the case of macros. it is a limitation.

    Thank you.

  • Frank_Mau_1
    Frank_Mau_1 Altair Community Member
    edited March 2022

    What a pity.


    Thank you very much for your fast reply.