HyperView - harmonic analysis

Hi, I have rst from ansys from harmonic analysis. I want to ask If hyperview take somehow real and imaginary part of solution and calculate it together? I have problem becouse i see different results in ansys and in hyperview. How HyperView calculate vonMises stresses from harmonic analysis?
1. Midside nodes results: ANSYS Post does not calculate the results (tensors) at midside nodes, HV does.
2. Corner results Option: Corner results option needs to be checked always.
3. Nodal results and Elemental results: ANSYS calls average results as Nodal results, hence we should keep average option “Advanced” to match results with ANSYS post. Many users keep it to simple or none and sees the difference. For elemental results to match we should select average option “None.
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Thank You, but do You know how HV is calculating Real and Imaginary part of solution? In Ansys we use hrcplx commend.
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I saw I have it, but only in directional stresses like XX, XY.... it isnt possible to see in vonMises stresses
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HV-3035: Post Processing Complex Results in HyperView
Refer above Hyperview online tutorial upto step 2.