"extensions not wokring in RM5rc and svn-trunk-builds"

New Altair Community Member
I just wanted to play around with some of the extensions (weka, text, reporting) in RM5RC (and also a build from svn (rev9)). However, I failed twice.
1) FIrst i tried to use the update manager, selected an extension, accepted the license, and pressed ok, when this exception showed up:
Exception: java.io.FileNotFoundException
Message: .\lib\plugins\managed\rmx_weka-5.0.0.jar (The system cannot find the path specified)
Stack trace:
java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)
2) I downloaded the plugins from sf.net and put them into lib/plugins. However, then RM hangs while showing the splashscreen (showing the message "Loading Weka"/"Loading Text"...)
Is there any trick to get plugins working in the latest dev-builds or is the plugin-system still too buggy to be used?
Feel welcome if you need further details.
Best, Holger
I just wanted to play around with some of the extensions (weka, text, reporting) in RM5RC (and also a build from svn (rev9)). However, I failed twice.
1) FIrst i tried to use the update manager, selected an extension, accepted the license, and pressed ok, when this exception showed up:
Exception: java.io.FileNotFoundException
Message: .\lib\plugins\managed\rmx_weka-5.0.0.jar (The system cannot find the path specified)
Stack trace:
java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)
2) I downloaded the plugins from sf.net and put them into lib/plugins. However, then RM hangs while showing the splashscreen (showing the message "Loading Weka"/"Loading Text"...)
Is there any trick to get plugins working in the latest dev-builds or is the plugin-system still too buggy to be used?
Feel welcome if you need further details.
Best, Holger
Hi holger,
I've experienced the same problems (only RC). The error seams to be in the plugin jars. The plugin mechanism seams to work fine -- at least with self-made plugins.
Best regards,
chero0 -
Hi Holger,
since I adapted most of the new extensions to RM 5, I worked with them in eclipse without experiencing any problems. Umph. I'm not surprised that the managed installation doesn't work, but the manual copying into the plugins directory should work. What exactly is the error occuring? Could you trace it down, once you are running in debug mode? Where does it hang?
Sebastian0 -
I think I can trak it down a bit.
Parallel Processing
[quote="ParallelProcessingPlugin Manifest(Extract)"]Initialization-Class: com.rapidminer.ParallelPluginInit
IOObject-Descriptor: ${extension.objectDefinition}
Operator-Descriptor: /com/rapidminer/resources/OperatorsParallel.xml[/quote]
The Ant macro is shurely a mistake. But nevertheless non of the other mentioned files exist. The jar contains only the manifest.
[quote="Startup log"]
2010-01-07 17:47:37 WARNING: Plugin initializer com.rapidminer.ParallelPluginIni
t.initPlugin of Plugin Parallel Processing causes an error: com.rapidminer.Paral
lelPluginInit (Plugin.callInitMethod())
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.rapidminer.ParallelPluginInit
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
2010-01-07 17:47:37 WARNING: Plugin initializer com.rapidminer.ParallelPluginIni
t.initSplashTexts of Plugin Parallel Processing causes an error: com.rapidminer.
ParallelPluginInit (Plugin.callInitMethod())
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.rapidminer.ParallelPluginInit
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
2010-01-07 17:47:39 WARNING: Operator descriptor 'com/rapidminer/resources/Opera
torsParallel.xml' does not exist in 'C:\Program Files\Rapid-I\RapidMiner5\script
s\..\lib\plugins\rapidminer-Parallel Processing-5.0.jar'! (Plugin.registerOperat
2010-01-07 17:47:45 WARNING: Plugin initializer com.rapidminer.ParallelPluginIni
t.initGui of Plugin Parallel Processing causes an error: com.rapidminer.Parallel
PluginInit (Plugin.callInitMethod())
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.rapidminer.ParallelPluginInit
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
2010-01-07 17:47:45 WARNING: Plugin initializer com.rapidminer.ParallelPluginIni
t.initFinalChecks of Plugin Parallel Processing causes an error: com.rapidminer.
ParallelPluginInit (Plugin.callInitMethod())
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.rapidminer.ParallelPluginInit
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
2010-01-07 17:47:45 WARNING: Plugin initializer com.rapidminer.ParallelPluginIni
t.initPluginManager of Plugin Parallel Processing causes an error: com.rapidmine
r.ParallelPluginInit (Plugin.callInitMethod())
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.rapidminer.ParallelPluginInit
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
Text Processing
[quote="TextProcessing manifest (lines enlonged for better readability)"]Initialization-Class: com.rapidminer.PluginInitTextProcessing
IOObject-Descriptor: /com/rapidminer/resources/ioobjectsTextProcessing.xml
Operator-Descriptor: /com/rapidminer/resources/OperatorsTextProcessing.xml
ParseRule-Descriptor: /com/rapidminer/resources/parseRulesTextProcessing.xml
Group-Descriptor: /com/rapidminer/resources/groupsTextProcessing.properties
Error-Descriptor: /com/rapidminer/resources/i18n/ErrorsTextProcessing
UserError-Descriptor: /com/rapidminer/resources/i18n/UserErrorMessagesTextProcessing.properties
GUI-Descriptor: /com/rapidminer/resources/i18n/GUITextProcessing.properties
Though this jar contains additional files, none of the mentioned files/classes exists.
I expect it to be similar for the other plugins. I think there is a bug in the ant build file.
Best regards,
p.s.: I hope I haven't told completely bull **** and the files are hidden somewhere in another jar file...
0 -
Hi Sebastian,
this it what happens (having the weka-extension installed):
Cheers, Holger
2010-01-08 09:41:29 CONFIG: Locale not specified explicitly. Set default locale to US. (RapidMiner.init())
2010-01-08 09:41:29 INFO: Property rapidminer.home is not set. Guessing. (Launcher.ensureRapidMinerHomeSet())
2010-01-08 09:41:29 INFO: Trying base directory of classes (build) 'X:\rapidminer\rm5'...gotcha! (Launcher.ensureRapidMinerHomeSet())
2010-01-08 09:41:29 CONFIG: Reading configuration resource com/rapidminer/resources/rapidminerrc. (ParameterService.loadAllRCFiles())
2010-01-08 09:41:29 CONFIG: Neither system property 'rapidminer.config.dir' nor environment variable 'RAPIDMINER_CONFIG_DIR' not set. Ignored. (ParameterService.getGlobalConfigDir())
2010-01-08 09:41:29 CONFIG: Creating directory 'C:\Users\Holger\.RapidMiner5'. (ParameterService.getUserRapidMinerDir())
2010-01-08 09:41:29 CONFIG: Trying rcfile 'C:\Users\Holger\.RapidMiner5\5_0_1_rapidminerrc'...skipped (ParameterService.loadRCFile())
2010-01-08 09:41:29 CONFIG: Trying rcfile 'C:\Users\Holger\.RapidMiner5\5_0_1_rapidminerrc.Windows Vista'...skipped (ParameterService.loadRCFile())
2010-01-08 09:41:29 CONFIG: Trying rcfile 'X:\rapidminer\rm5\lib\rapidminerrc'...skipped (ParameterService.loadRCFile())
2010-01-08 09:41:29 CONFIG: Trying rcfile 'X:\rapidminer\rm5\lib\rapidminerrc.Windows Vista'...skipped (ParameterService.loadRCFile())
2010-01-08 09:41:29 CONFIG: Property rapidminer.rcfile not specified...skipped (ParameterService.loadAllRCFiles())
2010-01-08 09:41:29 CONFIG: Read extension state. (ManagedExtension.readConfiguration())
2010-01-08 09:41:29 CONFIG: Scanning plugins in X:\rapidminer\rm5\lib\plugins. (Plugin.initAll())
Exception in thread "main" java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name com/rapidminer/resources/i18n/ErrorsWekaExtension, locale en_US
at java.util.ResourceBundle.throwMissingResourceException(ResourceBundle.java:1521)
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundleImpl(ResourceBundle.java:1260)
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(ResourceBundle.java:962)
at com.rapidminer.tools.plugin.Plugin.registerDescriptions(Plugin.java:415)
at com.rapidminer.tools.plugin.Plugin.registerAllPluginDescriptions(Plugin.java:563)
at com.rapidminer.tools.plugin.Plugin.initAll(Plugin.java:721)
at com.rapidminer.RapidMiner.init(RapidMiner.java:373)
at com.rapidminer.gui.RapidMinerGUI.run(RapidMinerGUI.java:199)
at com.rapidminer.gui.RapidMinerGUI.main(RapidMinerGUI.java:515)0 -
Hi all,
I have now tried everything here locally and there are some points to mention:
1. The automatic installation of extensions worked on my machine in a developer version started from eclipse without problems. After restarting the additional operators were available.
2. Yes, there seems to be at least on problem in the new build files, because the .jar files of the extensions is partly corrupted. We will take a look what caused this trouble.
Sebastian0 -
Hello Sebastian,
I've updated my working copy this morning, and RM now loads with the weka-extension installed. However the MRE remains:
2010-01-11 09:09:22 CONFIG: Scanning plugins in X:\rapidminer\rm5\lib\plugins. (Plugin.initAll())
2010-01-11 09:09:22 WARNING: Error initializing plugin: java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name com/rapidminer/resources/i18n/ErrorsWekaExtension, locale en_US (Plugin.registerAllPluginDescriptions())
java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name com/rapidminer/resources/i18n/ErrorsWekaExtension, locale en_US
2010-01-11 09:09:22 CONFIG: Default encoding is windows-1252. (RapidMiner.init())
2010-01-11 09:09:22 CONFIG: Loading operators from 'OperatorsCore.xml'. (OperatorService.registerOperators())
2010-01-11 09:09:23 CONFIG: Loading operator documentation from file:/X:/rapidminer/rm5/build/com/rapidminer/resources/i18n/OperatorsCoreDocumentation.xml. (OperatorDocBundle$XMLControl.newBundle())
And even if RM starts up normally now, the plugin is not installed (according to the extension manager).
To track down the problem I just unpacked the rapidminer-weka5.0.jar. And (surprise!) there are no resource files at all and also no com/rapid... package for the rm-wrappers around weka. So I really guess that the build-file for plugins buggy. Ideas? Comments?
The only way to make an extension to work for me, is to copy the (corrputed/incomplete) plugin-jar to the plugin in dir and add the plugin-build-dir to my class-path. Then everything works as expected. However, I would highly appreciate if you could fix the build-system.
Thanks, Holger0 -
I already spent the Friday with fixing the build system for the extensions. Somehow the jar files for the extensions on sourceforge where corrupted. But when installing using the update manager, this should work. If it is not installed via the update manager, the extension will not be listed in the Extension Manager.
The missing bundle was a simple typo, but the file is empty anyway...
Sebastian0 -
just downloaded the extensions from sourceforge and they do not work. have they been updated with fresh versions yet?0
they have not been updated, yet.