Difficults using DLOAD cards for updating Thermal Loads in a Transient Thermal Analysis

Michele Romano
Michele Romano Altair Community Member
edited April 2021 in Community Q&A

Hi everyone, I'm getting some problems combining thermal Loads through DCARD.

More specifically, I've created all the thermal loads (W/m^2) using flux panel and then TLOAD1.

Actually I don't get any Error and the operations runs smoothly.

The problem is that if I run every single load without the other loads, I get the relative physical result but when I run all the loads together (DLOAD), I cannot see their application and it seems like only one load is active.

I hope to be clear and thank you all





  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2021

    DLOAD combineas multiple TLOAD cards.

    Please check:


    1 - DLOAD load collector is pointing to all your other TLOAD cards, AND the scale factor for each of them is set to 1.0. If it is set to zero, then they will not have effect.


    2 - check in your LoadStep if the DLOAD entry is pointing to your DLOAD load collector, and not to a particular TLOAD.

  • Michele Romano
    Michele Romano Altair Community Member
    edited April 2021

    Hello Adriano, thank you for your answers.


    Anyway, I have already checked your advices. 

    Could be a problem linked to some setting file ?

    Is there some way to select or deselect loads (and results) in the hyperview window ?