VOV: Where do I find documentation?

You can find documentation in several places, through your browser, in your local RTDA software installation and in PDF documentation at ttps://support.rtda.com
You can download the PDF documentation from the Support area of the RTDA website: https://www.runtimeinc.com. You may also download the platform-independent common.tar archive, which contains all the documentation. This is used when you install the RTDA software.
Every VOV-project serves its own documentation through the browser UI, in both HTML and PDF formats. Click the book icon near the upper-left corner, or point your browser at http://host:port/cgi/bookshelf.cgi.
You need to fill in the specific host and port for the vovserver running your project.
If you do not know your projects host and port, you can find them with the following commands:
% vovproject list -all -l # shows all projects created in a given RTDA software install
% nc cmd vovbrowser # for NetworkComputer