How to use Japanese character set?

Nico Chart_21517
Nico Chart_21517
Altair Employee
edited October 15 in Altair RapidMiner

In the Workbench there are 2 places where you need to take care over ENCODING settings:

The first is the Workbench Server, normally called 'Local' that will execute your SAS programs to process your data such as CSV files. To change your ENCODING value in the workbench follow these steps:

Run the Workbench, and goto Window->Preferences->Altair->Startup Options and then select the hyperlink called here
Select the 'Add' button, this will popup a Startup Option form.
Select the 'Select' button
Scroll down the list and find the ENCODING option, select it and enter 'OK'.
In the 'Value' field enter SHIFT-JIS, and then select 'OK'
The new value should appear in the Startup Options form
OK the form and you should be asked to restart your server, Select Yes

You should now have a 'Local' server configured to read SHIFT-JIS encodings.

The second thing to consider is the script file that stores your SAS program:

If your SAS program contains Japanese characters you will need to change the properties of this file.
In the 'Project Explorer' you should have a 'Project' that contains your SAS programs.
Select your SAS program and use the right-hand mouse button to select 'Properties'
In the 'Text file encoding' section make sure the encoding is set to UTF-8 and not cp1252 or anything else.
Select OK.

You should now be able to read Japanese characters from your CSV file and view them in the dataset viewer, listing view or HTML view.

To check that you have setup your ENCODING correctly please add the following line to the top of your SAS program.
The log file should list the current ENCODING value that the server is using.