Simply generating a large element array including schematic networks
Step 1) CADFEKO: Implement a base element (= two wire monopoles + one transmission line + one general network(Hcoupler.s3p) ): Endfire_element.cfx (attached)
Step 2) EDITFEKO: Open “Endfire_element.pre” to investigate how the transmission line and the general network are specified for the further steps.
Step 3) EDITFEKO: Modify the original .pre file to add more “Monopoles”, “Schematic networks”, “Ports”, and “Sources” : Endfire_array.pre (attached)
3-1) Change the monopole wires’ labels for easier incrementing when copying the base endfire element. (Note: Press F1 key to edit “Card: CB, TL, NW, AN..”)
3-2) Copy the base element and move their positions n times using an external input file(position_excitation.txt)
3-3) Add the transmission lines, general networks and voltage sources n times using the external file
Step 4) EDITFEKO: Run “PREFEKO” and “FekoSolver”
Please see the attached file for better understanding.