Hyperworks 2022.2 PostgreSQL
Hi all,
I was wondering if it is possible to setup Hyperworks with a Postgres DB separate from the local host?
Currently running HW 2022.2 on Windows 10 workstations with PG DB 10.1 running on locally, as dictated in the installation manual.
Security policy states that our organization can only run Postgres instances on RHEL.
Can I stand up a Postgres DB and set HW to connect to it over the network? Furthermore, can I use a more recent version of Postgres without loss of functionality in HW?
Thank you
Hello @Nile Gregorio ,
This is indeed possible to have postGresql on a separate computer, even with a different operating system. The latest we support is PostGreSQL 13.x.
Below is a high level diagram we generally show to give a first idea about such implementation.
If you need more assistance for such implementation, please raise a support request through AltairOne
Best Regards,