How to Execute Split Option when Exporting a Summary using COM Automation?
I am trying to Export a Summary where I want to Split the Export into seperate, distinct tales based on the first Key values in the Summary using COM Automation.
Can anyone help me to craft the VBA COM scripting to Execute the above Split Option when Exporting a Summary?
Below is partial extract of the VBA COM scripting:
Set MonarchObj = GetObject("", "Monarch32")
If MonarchObj Is Nothing Then
Set MonarchObj = CreateObject("Monarch32")
End If
openfile = MonarchObj.SetProjectFile(ProjFolder & "DummyProj.dprj")
If openfile = True Then
'Set filter and export to Excel XLSX
MonarchObj.CurrentSummary = CHEPSUM
EXPFILE5 = MonarchObj.JETExportSummary(CHEP_Folder & CHEPFILE, CHEPSUM, 2)
MonarchObj.CurrentSummary = BRWNSUM
EXPFILE6 = MonarchObj.JETExportSummary(CHEP_Folder & BROWNFILE, BRWNSUM, 2)
GoTo UStop
End If
Set MonarchObj = Nothing
For the two summaries (CHEPSUM and BRWMSUM) I want the Export to execute the summary option: Each distinct value of the first key to make a seperate table"
Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi Al,
I checked the Monarch class object in object browser, and didn't see a method for setting the 'Each distinct value of the first key to make a separate table' option.
I suggest you create two exports, one for each summary in Monarch Classic, and save them in the project file. Then make a reference to the Project file, then use the RunAllExports() or RunExport(String) methods.
The following shows the Monarch Classic class object methods and properties:
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Thanks Mo... Works like a charm!!! You guys are the best!!
Many Thanks