Hypermesh - Node equivalencing between different components

usergat1 Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

I have a mesh in component1 and another mesh in component2.


Is there a way to do a node equivalencing operation from comp1 to comp2?


What I mean is, while I do this operation, I don't want the nodes on comp1 to equivalence to nodes on comp1 (no node equivalencing on the same component)





  • QuyNguyenDai
    QuyNguyenDai Altair Community Member
    edited August 2019

    In this case, you can split your comp1 into comp1a, comp1b,...

    Make equivalent of nodes by choosing elements by collector.

  • usergat1
    usergat1 Altair Community Member
    edited August 2019

    Thanks for the reply, but it would be too difficult to split up comp1 into multiple components.


    I guess I'm just looking for a HM way to do coinc node check between comp1 and comp2, but without nodes in comp1 being considered in the calculation.



  • tinh
    tinh Altair Community Member
    edited August 2019

    I have a tip in this case (I already got this problem in a real project, and find out this way ;)/emoticons/default_wink.png' srcset='/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x' title=';)' width='20' />)


    1. Preview equivalence nodes in comp1 only, you find some nodes

    2. Bind above nodes by a rigid (to prevent them from next equivalence)

    3. Do steps 1 and 2 with comp2 only

    4. Now you can equivalence both comps, because each comp cannot equivalence it self (rigid elems prevent this)

    5. Delete 2 rigids