Eccentricity macro

Truc Hoang Ho
Truc Hoang Ho Altair Community Member
edited August 2024 in Community Q&A

I've been trying to introduce eccentricity in my SynRM motor. I found a way using an Altair example (KB0120301), which initially ran successfully. However, the example is based on a permanent magnet motor that has 5 poles and 10 magnets.

To adapt the macro to SynRM, I used FluxMotor to create the motor and then attempted to export it to Flux. Unfortunately, this was unsuccessful with both 4-pole and 10-pole configurations, as FluxMotor does not support the 5-pole configuration similar used in the example. When comparing the exported file to the sample motor, I noticed that the poles were not exported correctly. I understand that the flux barriers in the SynRM are causing issues with the geometry and coordinates. Is there a way to modify the macro or the export process to make it compatible with my SynRM motor? 

When applying the macro I always get this type of error when applying to motors that was exported from FluxMotor to Flux. 


  • Lavanya Vadamodala_20519
    Lavanya Vadamodala_20519
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2024

    Hi Truc,

    You have the same name for the geometric parameter and I/O parameter. If you change any one of them, it will work.

    If not,  Can you share the FluxMotor model with me? Compress the whole folder of motor in your User Catalog and send it to me.

    Or if can you send me the Flux model? That is also ok.

    Thank you,


  • Truc Hoang Ho
    Truc Hoang Ho Altair Community Member
    edited August 2024

    The SynRM motor I used is the one from the Altair PowerPoint given to me when I took the class about SynRM motor.