Topology Optimization problem

Hy Guys,
For my master's thesis, I am designing a brake caliper for additive manufacturing applications. After meshing the component, constraining and applying forces, I made a static analysis. Now the next step is a topological optimization. I wanted to ask if it is possible to remove material in the design space until a certain stress level is reached (e.g. 50 MPa). If yes, how should I proceed? Thanks in advance!
design variables: topology for your region of interest.
responses: total mass and static stress for area of interest (remove singularity elements)
dconstraints: stress <= 50MPa
objective: minimize mass
This might take some time to solve, as stress constraints take some time to compute.
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As Adriano mentioned you can setup the topology optimization with stress constraints.
Following tutorials will guide you exactly step by step.
OS-T: 2010 Design Concept for an Automotive Control Arm
OS-T: 2030 Control Arm with Draw Direction Constraints
OS-T: 2080 Hook with Stress Constraints