Querying about some element for 1D- stress value

Dear all,
I wants to perform query for some element not for whole model as shown in below picture.
I am trying with this code but in this it is giving miximum value only for whole model but i want result for specific element ID. can anyone help me.
My code is.
Model handle i got earlier as mh$t .
mh$t GetQueryCtrlHandle qch$t
qch$t SetDataSourceProperty result datatype Stress
set set_query 'contour top 1'
set set_result_component 'contour.value'
set id_SelectedNode [mh$t AddSelectionSet element]
mh$t GetSelectionSetHandle selection_set_handle_node$t $id_SelectedNode
# selection_set_handle_node$t Add $set_query
selection_set_handle_node$t Add $SpecificElem_ID ; # adding specific element which was added b4
qch$t SetSelectionSet $id_SelectedNode
qch$t SetQuery 'contour.value'
qch$t GetIteratorHandle i$t
i$t First
if { [i$t Valid] } {
set contourValue [i$t GetDataList]
puts 'contourValue: $contourValue'
} else {
set contourValue 'N/A'
Vikas Kumar
Hi Vikas,
You can pass the element Ids you want to the below procedure:
proc contourValue {lst_elements} {
hwi OpenStack
set t [clock clicks]
hwi GetSessionHandle session$t
session$t GetProjectHandle project$t
project$t GetPageHandle page$t 1
page$t GetWindowHandle win$t 1
win$t GetClientHandle anim$t
anim$t GetModelHandle my_model$t [anim GetActiveModel]
my_model$t GetQueryCtrlHandle my_query$t
set set_id [my_model$t AddSelectionSet element]
my_model$t GetSelectionSetHandle elem_set$t $set_id
foreach id $lst_elements {
elem_set$t Add 'id $id'
my_query$t SetSelectionSet $set_id
# my_query$t SetQuery 'element.id contour.value';
my_query$t SetQuery 'contour.value'; #only contour value
my_query$t GetIteratorHandle my_iter$t
set data_list ''
for {my_iter$t First} {[my_iter$t Valid]} {my_iter$t Next} {
lappend data_list [my_iter$t GetDataList]
puts '$data_list----data_list';
my_model RemoveSelectionSet $set_id
hwi CloseStack
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Hi Livil,
It is Giving contour value for only one element.
But in selection set all element id is present.
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Altair Forum User said:
foreach id $lst_elements {
elem_set$t Add 'id $id'
}You'll have to add element by element.
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Altair Forum User said:
You can pass the element Ids you want to the below procedure:
Thanks for sharing @Livil Lyle, where to add element ids eg. 700001, 700002, 700003 etc?
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source the proc contourValue above,
set lst_elems {700001 700002 700003}
contourValue $lst_elems
I would recommend you to get more familiar with tcl programming before getting into HV automation.