Active Element Pattern and Scan Blindness

AGirlHasNoName Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A



I am trying to reproduce the results from the paper 'The Active Element Pattern', by D. M. Pozar (attached below).


In the paper, the author has considered an infinite array of planar dipole antennas and have obtained the active element pattern of a particular element. The active element gain pattern of the m-th element of the array is obtained by exciting only the m-th element and terminating all other elements in matched loads. According to the paper, if the element is excited with a voltage Vn=Voexp(-j k n a sin (theta)), where theta is the scanning angle, then there should be some dip or null observed in the active element gain pattern (at a certain scanning angle). 


I have simulated an array of 25 simple dipoles in FEKO where the dipoles are placed along the X-axis on the X-Y plane with each dipole oriented along the Z-axis. I have excited only the 5th element with a voltage source (Magnitude (V) = 1 and Phase (degree) = 30) and have added loads (of 50 ohm) to the other elements. When I am observing the gain pattern in POSTFEKO it is not showing any dip or null. Why is it so?


How can I get the results shown in the paper? Please suggest.

Unable to find an attachment - read this blog



  • Mel
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2019

    Hi Bidisha

    Why have you chosen a 25 element array?
    Seems the article is computing an infinite array. You can simulate an infinite array with the Periodic Boundaries found on the Construct tab.

    The Example Guide in the help folder has an example, the Jerusalem Cross .